Thursday 16 September 2010

Where has the time gone?! And have I got better?

Cant believe I haven't posted for 6 weeks, I know it has covered holiday, but still, that's a long time!

So I have pretty religiously stuck to my sub 150bpm heart rate rule. I've had the odd blip, notably the Thames Turbo Tri mentioned below, when I don't think I went UNDER 150bpm, but everyone needs a little fun once in a while, right? My problem has been that my efforts have been sporadic. In the first three weeks of August I managed 6 runs in total, none of which was over 8km long. So I'm not sure how much benefit I was getting.

As mentioned, I did do a Sprint Tri on 30th August (Thames Turbo 4) and recorded a PB overall and one in the pool, though my run was 1 min slower than my best, caused in part by a numb foot coming off the bike, which I have never experienced before. My first km was almost exactly 1 minute longer than my next km. I actually took my shoe off twice in that 1st km thinking I must have had a stone in it or something, not just numb pinkys! Still, off the back of 1 hours biking in the preceding 8 weeks and no speedwork, I wasn't too unhappy. Any PB is still a PB!

Since then, it's got a bit better. I really enjoyed a morning spent marshalling at the Surrey Badger Half Marathon, which was my first marshalling, and it was really good fun. I've got the turbo out for the first time (2x45 minute sessions so far) and as long as the TV is on and I'm keeping to my 150bpm rule it has been reasonably pleasant, though the sweat is a pain!

A Pirate ride of 58km was probably the highlight of recent weeks, training-wise.

However, today's run was what got me back blogging, as I felt I had a good run today, for some reason it just felt a little better - less walking required for one thing! So I compared my 8km runs since I started this little lark..

Date Time Av HR % 'run'
16-Sep 50.15 147 52.1
08-Sep 53.21 148 34.9
01-Sep 51.42 148 44.1
28-Jul 52.37 146 34.1
26-Jul 52.07 146 40.3
21-Jul 53.13 146 27.3

Can I see anything of value in here? Any improvement? Not sure. I read or heard somewhere that you will benefit more when HR training if you use the down-hills as speed training opportunities, pushing up your speed whilst still mantaining your 150 rule, and I think that accounts for some of the increase in 'running' time (defined by me as above 9.7km/h, I don't remember why!) as opposed to jogging (or worse!). I guess I need to see more improvement, but there might be some there. Hope so.

Anyway, I shall keep it up until the end of September, then be more flexible, though still using HR training as my preferred method.


  1. So compared with 2 months ago, you're covering the same ground in 6% less time, at more or less the same HR? And you're not sure if you've improved?

    I'll take 6% improvement in 2 months, especially if some of it was a holiday...

    Well done!

  2. That progress looks really good. I wouldn't be too disappointed with it mate.

  3. just read this, and agree with the other guys.... HR Trg is bloody boring though isn't it. I go out and shred myself on every run... I will see how my improvement has come on over the last 2 months and compare notes! :-)
